Tuesday, September 29, 2020

And All at Once Summer Collapsed Into Fall!

 It really has felt like summer collapsed into fall around here! 
I am always glad to see Fall arrive. The temperature and humidity
in Northeast Georgia is wicked during the Summer! 
I am glad that we live somewhere that we get to enjoy
each of the four seasons. 

My inbox has been bursting with ideas to bring
touches of Autumn to your home. The blog world is sharing some 
great ideas to use for October on into November.

If you have window boxes, now is the time to plant 
new annuals  pansies, dusty miller, cabbages are 
all good this time of year! 

It is not to early to start working on arrangements 
for your table. There is no reason you can not
mix real pumpkins and gourds with artificial 
grasses and blooms. 

I thought this was a wonderful idea to use for Thanksgiving. 
Children can help by contributing things they are grateful for 
and also do an earlier pumpkin with Autumn thoughts too! 

This arrangement is gorgeous with the blue hydrangeas! 
If you are like me and yours have already bloomed, it would
be just as lovely with dried hydrangeas in the green and rose color.

There are a lot of things you may have to include
in your table arrangement. Just think outside of the box 
like using a birdhouse! 

If you have never looked at Flowers Magazine, be
sure and take a look at their website.
If you love flowers and beautiful things, this is
a magazine you need to purchase.

Wouldn't you feel welcome at this house!

One of my favorite things I love to use in arrangements
is Seeded Eucalyptus. It is great anytime of year!

What a great idea for a party! Using a pumpkin
as your guest book! 

Not all Fall Designs have to be in yellow, orange and red! 
This wreath is beautiful with it's softer shades!

To wrap things up, let's head outside. Fall is the perfect
time to entertain outside. So keep that in mind for
your next get together. Remember to social distance
and stay 6 feet apart!

Source: Flower Magazine, Fox Hollow Cottage, HGTV, Hoffman, Home is Where the Boat Is, Robin Lamonte, Stone Gable, Today Show, Virginia Sweetpea

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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Dog Days of Summer

I am not sure there is a place in North America, that is not
experiencing the Dog Days of Summer. Today we are going to 
learn the history about where the name,
Dog Days, originated. 
No, there will not be a test! 

@ourlittlechurchcottage on Instagram
                              From July the 3rd to August the 11th are the days known as the 
Dog Days of Summer. (I personally think the hot and 
humid weather last a lot longer than August the 11th.)

@homeforWillow on Instagram
                        In ancient Greece and Rome, the Dog Days were believed to be 
a time of drought, bad luck, and unrest, when dogs 
and men alike would be driven mad by the extreme heat.
Today, the phrase doesn’t conjure up such bad imagery. 
Instead, the Dog Days are associated purely with the time of 
summer’s peak temperatures and humidity.

@thedogdaysofiy on Instagram
This period of sweltering weather coincides with the year’s heliacal  
(meaning “at sunrise”) rising of Sirius, the Dog Star. Sirius is part of
 the constellation Canis Majoris—the “Greater Dog”
which is where Sirius gets its canine nickname, 
as well as its official name, Alpha Canis Majoris. 
Not including our own Sun, Sirius is the brightest star in the sky.

by Charlotte Savafi
In ancient Greece, Egypt, and Rome, it was believed that the dawn rising of Sirius 
in mid- to late summer contributed to the extreme weather of the season. 
In other words, the “combined heat” of super-bright Sirius and our Sun 
was thought to be the cause of summer’s sweltering temperatures. 
The name “Sirius” even stems from Ancient Greek 
seírios, meaning “scorching.” 

by Dan Piassick
Sirius is the brightest star in the sky, if you don’t count our own Sun. 
Under the right conditions, it can even be seen with the naked eye during the day. 
Sirius is one star in a group of stars that form the constellation Canis Major, 
meaning “Greater Dog.” It’s no surprise, then, that the nickname 
of this big, bold star became “the Dog Star.”

by Gordon Beall
      In ancient Egypt, the Nile River flooded each year, usually beginning in late June. 
The people welcomed this event, called the Inundation, because the floodwaters 
brought rich soil needed to grow crops in what was otherwise a desert. 

by Jim Bathie

No one in Egypt knew exactly when the flooding would start, 
but they noticed a coincidence that gave them a clue: The water began to rise 
on the days when Sirius (known to them as “Sothis”) began to rise before the Sun. 
Sothis and the Inundation became so important to the Egyptians’ survival 
that they began their new year with the new Moon that followed the star’s 
first appearance on the eastern horizon.

by Stacey Bewkes

Unlike the Egyptians, the ancient Greeks and Romans were not as pleased 
by Sirius’s appearance. For them, Sirius signaled a time when evil was brought to 
their lands with drought, disease, and discomfort.

by Stacey Bewkes

by Stacey BewkesSirius was described as a “bringer of drought and plague to frail mortals,
rises and saddens the sky with sinister light” by the Roman poet Virgil.

by Helen Norman

Is this just superstition? A 2009 Finnish study tested the traditional claim 
that the rate of infections is higher during the Dog Days. 
The authors wrote, “This study was conducted in order to challenge the myth 
that the rate of infections is higher during the dog days. To our surprise, 
the myth was found to be true.”
by Molly Maine

Dog Days bright and clear
Indicate a happy year;
But when accompanied by rain,
For better times, our hopes are vain.

decoratordiva1 on Instagram

Dog Days are approaching; you must, therefore, make both hay and haste 

while the Sun shines, for when old Sirius takes command of the weather, 
he is such an unsteady, crazy dog, there is no dependence upon him.

–From The Old Farmer’s Almanac, 1817

All I know for sure is that the Dog Days of Summer are 

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***Blogger is in a mood today! It can't seem to line up properly 
and refuses to make the last paragraph the correct size. 
Maybe the Dog Days have made it crazy!

Thursday, June 25, 2020

The 2020 Southeaster Designer Showhouse

It is the Last Weekend for the 2020
Southeastern Designer Showhouse

*I am going to share my pictures with you and
at the bottom will be links where you can
see larger pictures of the rooms.
I tried to focus on specific places in the house,
The designers really are cutting edge this year!
I think this was my favorite room in the house.

There are a lot of innovated things happening in this house! 
That is a flat screen television on an industrial easel.

I love the use of a Lucite lamp, so it doesn't 
block the garden view.

The floor in the Master Bath was gorgeous. It is all tile.

The Master Bath feature his and hers vanities
and showers. 

Love the two rounded showers! One for him
and one for her! 

This is the cocktail table in the Master Bedroom. 
I wish I had that beautiful box on that fabulous table!

Now I know what orchid arrangement I want to do next! 

In the downstairs area, they have an indoor pool.
This looks like a fun place to "hang out" on a rainy day! 

Beautiful Linens in the girl's bedroom.

A nice little escape to work on your art. 
Great window treatments!

What a beautiful window treatment. 
I just used the Lucite drapery hardware 
in a beach house. 

This room was the most traditional room in the house.

All of the Bathrooms in this year's house had 
incredible tile work! 

They also had great cabinets too!

Great looking barstools with sleek cabinets 
and appliances in the Kitchen.

I don't think it would bother me to do laundry in this 
great place! If we still had a dog, it sure would
be easy at bath time! 

I loved the lighting and artwork in the stairwell! 

Wouldn't you love to hang out with your friends
around the pool and the fire pit?

We exited through the garage and these fluffy
sheep were wearing their mask as a 
safety precaution. 

I have never seen a garage that looked like this one! 

This is the BACK of the house! 

Be sure and take
the time to scroll through Part 1 and 2 of the 
Southern Hospitality's blog on the showhouse.
She has great professional looking pictures! 
You will get a better feel for the entire house.

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Saturday, March 7, 2020

Come join me on a Tour of Homes!

Do you ever feel like you are running to fast?  
I have been feeling that way the last several months.
Then we sprang forward over the weekend! 
I needed that hour! I am behind with my blog and 
need to get back to sharing with you.
 I have so many Showhouses to show you. 
I decided I would just put them all together in one post! 
Some of these I have seen and some I missed. 
But thanks to other bloggers, we will have them on our tour!
So get you something to drink and relax. 

We are going to start off with the 2019 Home for the Holidays Showhouse.

Can you believe this is how it looked before Harrison Design 
got started with the transformation!

WOW! What a ceiling. Plus two islands in the kitchen.

During the show, we entered from the side, but this is
the main entrance where you come in through the porch area.

Beautiful dining area, with a great view of one
of the many Christmas trees. 

I don't think I would mind doing laundry in the gorgeous room.

What a fabulous view. I just hope they don't have neighbors! 

To see more of the Home for the Holidays Showhouse 
Click on the links below! 

Next we are going to head south to beautiful Crane Island
at Amelia Island, Florida to visit the 2019 Southern
Living Idea House.

You open the front door and enter the main hallway.

Don't you just love this living room! 

You enter from the front door, straight into the living room, then
on to the skirted table with these triangle shaped benches.

I could spend all day on this porch overlooking the water.

This is an upstairs area to relax in. My client loved the
island print pillows so much we are using the fabric in her house, 

This bunk room is perfect for children, but elegant
enough for older guest! 

We are heading deeper into Florida to see the
Kips Bay Palm Beach Showhouse. This room
was done by Atlanta designer, Susanne Kasler.

Designer Lee W. Robinson. Wow!

Leta Austin Foster's tropical study is over the top! 

Alessandra Branca uses the Blue Pantone color of the year in her master bedroom! 

Our next stop is the 2020 Atlanta Symphony Orchestra 
Designer Showhouse. This Showhouse is still open and 
you can still visit it. 
WHEN: Open for touring February 29 – March 22, 2020
Tickets are good for any day during regular showhouse hours:
Thursday-Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Sundays 12 p.m. – 4 p.m
Closed Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesday

This house is very different from the ASO Showhouses
of the past. 

Many wonderful accessories and art pieces in this house! 

Plenty of glass and light in this home. 

This room was done by Gainesville native, Jill Mansfield 
and her partner, Bryan Kirkland of Fifty Eight Interiors.

I love the blue and orange, but not in football teams! 

This wraps up our Tour of Homes. But not to fret,
we are just getting ready to hit the height of Showhouses, 
Home Tours, Kitchen Tours and Garden Walks. 
So get your walking shoes ready! 

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